Destroy Wand Addon for Mcpe 1.21+


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Full Safe, Made by me 

How to Use the Destroy Wand?

 1. Get a Destroy Wand - Obtain the Destroy Wand (um:destroy_wand).

 2. Hold the Wand - Equip the Destroy Wand in your hotbar. 

3. Select Two Points - • Hit a block with the wand (first position saved).

 • Hit another block (second position saved). 

4. Confirm Destruction - A confirmation menu will appear showing the number of blocks. 

5. Destroy the Blocks - If confirmed, all selected blocks (except unbreakable ones) will be removed instantly. 

6. Use a Pickaxe - A pickaxe must be in a nearby slot; its durability will decrease with use. A Protected Blocks: Bedrock, Command Blocks, Chests, and other important blocks cannot be destroyed. ▲ Max Limit: Can destroy up to 1000 blocks at once to prevent accidental massive destruction. Perfect for clearing land, creating tunnels, or quickly breaking structures

Destroy Wand Addon - Quickly destroy large areas with ease! No experimental features required. 

▲ Warning: If the Destroy Wand is in the 1st or last hotbar slot, it will not work!