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How to Use ItemXchange

Step 1: Open the ItemXchange Menu

Hold a stick in your hand and use it to access the ItemXchange menu.

You'll see two options:

Add New Trade: Set up your own trades.

View Trades: Browse and participate in existing trades.


Step 2: Add a New Trade

Select Add New Trade to create your trade.

Fill in the details:

Item to Trade: Choose an item from your inventory to offer.

Trade Amount: Specify how much of the item you want to trade.

Item You Want: Select the item you want in return.

Desired Amount: Specify how much you want in exchange.

Codinet: Enter coordinates for where the trade should finalize.


Step 3: View and Accept Trades

Select View Trades to see all available trades.

Each trade displays details like the item offered, the amount required, and the player who created it.

Click on a trade to accept it. Ensure you have the required trade item in your inventory!


Step 4: Complete the Trade

Once you accept a trade:

Your trade items will be deducted automatically.

The items you're trading for will be added to your inventory.

The traded items will be delivered to the specified codinet.